This is the first project we are carrying out with olivine-rich rock flour. Before we could start, we took soil samples. This serves as a zero measurement. The necessary papers for each plot were submitted to ONCRA, who will also issue credits for this project. The rock flour was ordered and then: Rain, rain and more rain. The fields were soaking wet and the farmers could not get out onto the land, it was especially disastrous in Belgium. The fields were completely flooded.

To scatter
On 1 plot, of farmer Monique, 4 tons of greenSand rock flour has now been applied. At farmer Gerben's the olivine rock flour is ready. There too it is a matter of waiting until it is dry enough. That will work with the current temperatures (27-28 °C) :)

With the warm weather of the past few days, the fields have dried out nicely. This week they will also get to work on the farm in Eemnes of farmer Angeli.
The spreading in Eemnes was successful. 4 tons of greenSand rock flour was spread here. At farmer Gerben it will take a while, because here they are going to “grass” first.