Permanent cleaning

greenSand markets CO₂ clean-up certificates that focus on the permanent removal of carbon dioxide (CO₂). This is the only greenhouse gas that can be removed from the atmosphere.


greenSand method

Our method is validated and certified by ONCRA, which provides a framework for natural carbon removal. ONCRA supports nature-based carbon removal (CDR). They provide guidelines and create protocols for validation and certification. ONCRA is based on the IPCC CDR classification and fits within the EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF).

How ONCRA works

Open Nature Credit Removal Accounting

Already received in 2022

greenSand an ONCRA certification

greenSand has a Value Chain certificate for the removal of CO₂ by means of rock weathering. View the related documents on the website of ONCRA


Why greenSand CO₂ clean-up certificates?

We trust Mother Nature, who has been capturing CO₂ from the air for billions of years through rock weathering. We accelerate this process by grinding the rock. greenSand thus offers a natural and permanent solution for removing CO₂.
