The green dream

We have a dream and we are going to make it a reality. A healthy and green future for all generations after us.
We're going to make the term "Climate Change" a thing of the past.

Our goal

Permanently clean up the total surplus of CO₂ in order to bring the earth's CO₂ cycle back into balance. The more surface we cover with greenSand Olivine, the more CO₂ the earth itself can clean up. And the sooner we reach our goal.

We have already cleaned up more than 88000 tonnes of co₂


"Let's help the earth to save itself" A well-known quote from Professor Olaf Schuiling. By this he meant: The solution to the climate problem is already there. We just have to use it globally.

Our strategy

We are not just going to scatter olivine around for more surface area... On the contrary, we have developed products of olivine-rich rocks that can replace almost all current sand and stone applications.

For example, we offer sustainable and climate-resistant alternatives for, among other things: walking paths, parking spaces, potting soil, lime, etc.

Profit factor of 2

With greenSand you don't build CO₂ neutral, you even build CO₂ negative! A walking path that clears up CO₂ therefore does twice as much as a walking path that does not clean up any CO₂.

Current applications only emit CO₂ and then do not clean it up. For example, by applying greenSand instead of existing applications, we achieve a double CO₂ profit.

This is how you can help

Remove your own CO₂

Help the earth create more surface area. Discover all greenSand Olivine products.

Do your bit with CO₂ clean-up certificates

We spread the greenSand Olivine for you. Together we can create more surface area.

Sustainable investing

Become part of the solution. Become a co-owner of greenSand from €15.
