1 for 3

Ideals from the green heart

greenSand has an idealistic background that comes straight from the heart of Eddy Wijnker. As he often says: "In the hippie days we had many ideals. Later I learned that a revenue model is needed to actually get people moving. This is how you can realize your ideals."

The idea for the package of 3 share certificates arose from the green heart. With this you invest not only for yourself, but also for people from low-wage countries. Climate change also has a major impact on them, even though they often have a very small CO2 footprint. That is why we have opted for the 1 for 3 formula: 1 for you and 2 for someone else. The usufruct is for you.

3 generations

Invest in the future

With your investment, we can grow. This way we provide a larger surface area. This is necessary to accelerate the natural process, so that the balance is restored and climate change is stopped.

The more we can spread, the faster CO₂ is removed from the atmosphere.

We do this for ourselves, for our children and our grandchildren.

1 greenSand world

green happiness

Humanity faces an immense challenge to combat global warming. greenSand aims to help nature remove the resulting surplus of CO₂ from the atmosphere.

In order to make a real impact, we want to grow into a global movement that cleans up CO₂ by using olivine-rich rocks where possible.

We expect our first expansion soon through a greenSand representation in Japan.

Why invest in greenSand?

Reduce footprint

Your investment allows us to remove as much CO₂ from the atmosphere as possible.

Colorful future

For a future for the world's population, not just for the happy few.

1 for 3 formula

You invest for three people, those generations and 1 beautiful livable world.
