European legislation for CO2 removal


CO2 removal within the European Union

As the importance of carbon removal is increasingly embraced by more parties, work is being done within the EU on a new certification framework for carbon removal in the so-called Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF). In the Netherlands, work is also being done on implementing this regulation in national legislation and appointing a supervisor. The initial aim is to make the voluntary market for carbon removal more transparent and reliable.

A provisional agreement on carbon removals and carbon farming (CRCF) has been adopted.

Olivine is also recognized

We understand from the Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa) that from 2026 onwards it will be investigated whether the CRCF certificates can be used within the Emission Trade System (ETS), which is supervised by the NEa. Olivine is one of the carbon removal techniques that will fall under the CRCF.

greenSand in development

greenSand is preparing to meet the upcoming regulations. We are in working together with ONCRA to jointly create a sound methodology, in which quantification, certification and verification are guaranteed.

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