Garden paths that clean up CO₂

Do you want to create a garden path or decorative surface to beautify your garden?

With greenSand decorative split you can go in any direction. You create paths and surfaces with a modern gray-green color that also help to remove CO₂ from the air.

We are on our way to a climate-neutral world. Will you walk with us?

Water permeable

Decorative paving

greenSand decorative split is an angular stone, which has a high hook resistance. This allows you to create a stable path with a natural look. Split lends itself better to a walkway than gravel, because it compacts better due to its angular shape.

Split is a water-permeable way of hardening. This prevents extra strain on the sewer during heavy rainfall.

Wheelchair friendly

Semi-paved path

A garden or walkway path can also be laid out excellently with greenSand semi-paving. You can even cycle over here. It is also easily accessible with a wheelchair or pram. With the natural semi-paving of greenSand you create beautiful grey-green and water-permeable paths.

You clean up CO₂

The mineral olivine removes its own weight in CO₂. This way you reduce your climate footprint and make every project CO₂ neutral.

We want to make progress and clean up the surplus of CO₂. Will you help?

Contact us

greenSand semi-paving


Decorative surface

You can create playful surfaces with decorative splits in a gradation of 8-16 mm or even 16-32 mm.

stevig, rolstoelvriendelijk pad met greenSand halfverharding

Wheelchair friendly

A sturdy path that is easily accessible with a wheelchair, bicycle or pram?
Then opt for semi-hardening

tuinpad verhard met greenSand

Playful garden path

Let your garden path creak. Clean up CO₂ as you walk along your garden path.

Order directly yourself?

You can order our greenSand products in Big Bags via our webshop. For bulk or a custom quote, please contact us using the form below.
