Environmental impact of artificial grass
PEFCR Workshop in Brussels
greenSand was present at the PEFCR (Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules) workshop of the European Commission/ESTC (European Synthetic Turf Council) on December 12.
Footprint Artificial Grass
The workshop was attended by artificial grass producers, sports associations, sports field architects and sports field builders from all over the EU. The new quality and environmental calculation models for artificial grass sports and playing fields were presented here.
Calculation software
Together with the European Commission for Circular Economy, the ESTC has developed software that can calculate the ecological impact of artificial grass fields, in multiple varieties. The environmental impact of each component of such a field can be visualized, so that the most ecological version can be put together. This software is made available to both ESTC members and non-members. The software will be available in the first quarter of 2024.