Reduce first

Climate change

carbon footprint

In recent years it has become increasingly clear how serious the consequences of climate change are. Severe drought, heat and periods of excessive rainfall are the order of the day. One of the main causes is greenhouse gas emissions, which have increased enormously since the industrial revolution. To such an extent that the natural balance has been disturbed and the climate is slowly but surely warming up.

No excuse to stop emissions

During the podcast Abundance (in Dutch) , Sjoerd rightly states that it is all very well to use greenSand to remove carbon from the air. To stop the process of global warming, it is necessary that we reduce our emissions. Continuing to live on the same footprint is not an option. And even though greenSand has a great solution for removing CO₂ from the air, it should not be an excuse to continue emitting.


footprint in flowers

Reduce footprint

A great way to reduce your own footprint is to cycle or walk to your destination more often. When walking or cycling on paths made of greenSand semi-paving you double the effect, because the unique composition of the olivine-rich rock in our semi-pavement captures CO₂ during the billions of years old natural process of rock weathering. Read here how that works.

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Clean up your own CO₂

Help the earth create more surface area. Discover all Olivine products.

Offset your CO₂

We scatter the Olivine for you. Together we can create more surface area.

Become a co-owner

Become part of the solution. Buy a registered share in greenSand from €15.
